
(ActionsClass: function, exportObj: ?object, …constructorArgs): Actions

This is a function that takes in a class of actions and returns back an object with those actions defined. The second argument exportObj is optional and provides a way to export to a specific object. This is useful when you have circular dependencies you can either export to an app managed global or straight to exports. constructorArgs are passed to the ActionClass constructor.


(…actions: string): Actions

If all of your actions are just straight through dispatches you can shorthand generate them using this function.

const MyActions = alt.generateActions('foo', 'bar', 'baz');

Which could then be used like this:;;



(…args): ActionsClass

The constructor of your actions receives any constructor arguments passed through the createActions function. Inside the constructor any instance properties you define will be available as actions.


(…actions: string): undefined

This is a method that can be used in the ActionsClass constructor to set up any actions that just pass data straight-through.

Actions like these:

ActionsClass.prototype.myAction = function (data) {
  return data;

can be converted to:

function ActionsClass {

There is also a shorthand for this shorthand available on the alt instance.


This is an object which contains a reference to all the other actions created in your ActionsClass. You can use this for calling multiple actions within an action:

ActionsClass.prototype.myActionFail = function (data) {
  return data;

ActionsClass.prototype.myAction = function (data) {
  if (someValidationFunction(data)) {
    return data; // returning dispatches the action
  } else {
    this.myActionFail(); // calling an action dispatches this action
    // returning nothing does not dispatch the action


You can also simply return a value from an action to dispatch:

ActionsClass.prototype.myActionFail = function (data) {
  return data;

There are two exceptions to this, however:

  1. Returning undefined (or omitting return altogether) will not dispatch the action
  2. Returning a Promise will not dispatch the action

The special treatment of Promises allows the caller of the action to track its progress, and subsequent success/failure. This is useful when rendering on the server, for instance:

  fetchUser(id) {
    return function (dispatch) {
      return http.get('/api/users/' + id)

  fetchUserSuccess: x => x,
  fetchUserFailure: x => x,

alt.actions.fetchUser(123).then(() => {
  renderToHtml(alt); // we know user fetching has completed successfully, and it's safe to render the app